Tag Archives: Independence Day

just a handful of snapshots.

I admit. I have been hoarding all of these Project Life things. I have a scrapbook album all set to go, and I even ordered the Project Life protector sheets months ago. Have I even started to create anything for it?! No!

I do, however, like that the Instagram app on my phone helps my daily photo documenting. Recently, I’ve been taking pictures galore, so I have a stack of photos to use. Woot! *pat on the back for me* I just ordered all of my photos, so once I have them in my hands, maybe I’ll get them onto Project Life pages. *wishful thinking*

Speaking of printing pictures, I still need to work on the wedding album. It’s on my list of 29 before 29, and it’s one of the more obtainable tasks. You’d think that I like letting the stacks of photos pile up.

On another note, it’s been so long since I last posted any of the projects I have been working on. Thus, I wanted to share some of the bright projects I have created for the shop.

Below is a fun layout I created using Splash, some of the latest from Little Yellow Bicycle:

Have you seen the new American Crafts line, Shoreline?! We all know that I love bright and happy colors. Again, I absolutely love vintage things, but sometimes, it’s just overkill. Every now and then, it’s great to have pops of vibrant and rich colors. Consider it a change of scenery from the vintage inspired looks. For instance, here’s a makeshift paper bouquet that I created for the shop:


Hope everyone had a wonderful fourth of July! It was the first time in years that we didn’t celebrate our annual FOTL event at my parents’ house. Hopefully, next year we’ll be able to coordinate the event again.


Filed under altered item, holiday, layouts, our paper place, personal, scrapbook