Tag Archives: bridal shower

let’s have a tea party.

Earlier this month, I threw Natalie, my brother’s fiancee, a bridal shower. She’s a huge fan of Alice in Wonderland, so I thought it would be fun to throw a tea party with her family and closest friends.

We sipped tea and ate tea sandwiches.

We, of course, even played bridal shower games.

Yup, that included the toilet paper bridal dress game.

…and the three beautiful decked out in toilet paper brides:

Delicious tea, yummy food, and games?! I’d say it was a very productive day, hehe.

PS: Thank you G, Ali, Ann, and Shaleen for all of your help!

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Filed under family, personal

bridal shower and halfway done.

Over the weekend, one of my good friends had her bridal shower. We definitely shared some good laughs from the party, and I can’t wait for her upcoming wedding. It’s going to be so pretty!

Here’s just a few of the pictures I was able to capture:


We played the create a toilet paper wedding dress activity! …and guess what?! My team won. Was it because I work with paper and creativity all day long?! 😉

On another note, back in July/August of last year, I wrote up a 28 Before 28 list. Have I completed it? Nope. However, I have managed to cross off about half of the tasks.

Thus far, some of the things I have accomplished have brought wonderful memories. For instance, I went fishing, but I didn’t catch anything; hence how I did not highlight “and catch something”. I ended up baking a cake, but created cake pops instead. I wrote multiple thank you notes and sent them out snail mail style. I wore the prettiest dress I will ever own. I didn’t win anything from the lottery ticket, darnit! …and I always support local businesses!

I’ve got about two months left to cross off as many tasks as possible.

I better start working on the 25 layouts task. I’m fairly close to finishing all of them. Here’s a couple recent ones that I made:

Yup, I told you that I’ve been using lots of Studio Calico recently. The bold colors are fun to work with. My 2nd layout is an 8.5×11 layout. It’s not the usual size I create, but I thought I’d try something different.

Layouts #18 and #19 are now complete! Six more to go. That’s not that far way, maybe if I’m lucky, I can tackle that the rest of this week.

Happy Tuesday!


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